Sunday 15 January 2012

Theme 2 - Night shots


For this shoot I decided to take the photographs at night outside to reflect images of photographers I have researched. I used my mum's garden as the location.

Equipment used

I have recently got a new camera so I used this instead of borrowing a camera from college. The camera used in the shoot was a Fujifilm finepix S3300 which has a 24mm wide lens and 14 MegaPixels. This was used on the manual setting so that I had complete control of the outcome.
I used flash on the camera to create the effects on the final images but there was also a small light on the side of the house which helped to get the right amount of light.

Health & Safety

The main health and safety issue on the night of the shoot was the weather. It was very cold outside so to ensure my model wasn't out in the cold for too long I ensured that I thought out the positions in the garden to use and thought out the different poses I wanted my model to be in. I also made sure that I kept myself warm throughtout the shoot.

Images chosen from shoot

The main influence of this shoot is Andres Hernandez who is one of the photographers I researched earlier in the course. I took inspiration from his photographs and tried to create my own version using the resources available to me. Here are some of Andre's images of which I gained inspiration and ideas:

Before starting out on my own images I had shown my model the photographs I had taken inspiration from so that she knew what kind of images and poses I was looking for. Below are my chosen images:

ISO-100, f/4.1, Shutter speed - 1/60
I really like this close up composition and it is clear to see what the model is 'selling' in this image. It is really natural and relaxed but it is also bold. I think the messy hair and the background adds a hardness to the image.

ISO-100, f/4.1, Shutter speed - 1/60

ISO-100, f/4.1, Shutter speed - 1/60
The next two images are similar compositions to the first image but I wanted to add angles into the photograph and to also capture a portrait shot of the model.

ISO-100, f/3.6, Shutter speed - 1/60
This image is quite effective as the background is really dark so this helps to make the model really stand out and be the focal point.

ISO-100, f/3.6, Shutter speed - 1/60

ISO-100, f/3.6, Shutter speed - 1/60

ISO-100, f/3.6, Shutter speed - 1/60

ISO-100, f/3.6, Shutter speed - 1/60

ISO-100, f/3.6, Shutter speed - 1/60
Here I wanted to bring in the use of props more by using the jewellery. I like the reflections of the flash on the pearl necklace and on the models glasses and I like how it highlights the models face.

ISO-100, f/4.5, Shutter speed - 1/60

ISO-100, f/4.9, Shutter speed - 1/60
These two images were taken above the model from a height. I like the camera viewpoint used here and also the angles of the models body, however, I do feel the first few images are more effective and look much better overall.

ISO-800, f/3.1, Shutter speed - 1/60
Here I wanted to experiment with just the flash from the camera but the colours didn't come out the way I wanted them too.

In  this shoot I wanted to use neutral tones like that used in Andre's photographs and try to capture the same technique he uses in his images. I briefed my model previous to the shoot and told her what I had in mind. This also helped to minimise the amount of time we were outside as it was very cold. I have used accessories on the model to show how you can sell products and fashion in a photograph which is also what Andre did.
In the garden there was a security light that went on and off which did make it difficult where the lighting is concered but I managed to work around that and also by combining this with the flash on my camera I was able to emulate a smiliar technique with lighting as the professional photographer. I think overall the outcome is good and I have learnt alot from this shoot as working in the dark is very different to working in the day.


  1. I Really like the way you have captured these night time shots, and especially like the one of your sister lying on the grass looking up at the camera, well done!

  2. Some lovely shots Emma - and how brave with a new camera. I like the shot where the model looks out of the image - far more mystery there, and also the angled photo looking up. Not sure of the images on their side - possibly an angled image of say 45 degrees instead? But good work!
