Saturday 21 January 2012

Final images - Theme 2


Below are my top ten fashion images for my second theme with explanations as to why these images have been chosen.

Image 1
The first image was chosen firstly because of the positioning and secondly because of the shadowing. I like how the model is off centre and how she is looking out into the distance. The shadowing that filters through the trees is nice and it helps highlight the trees in the background. I think also that the models clothes fits well with the theme and the location chosen due to the neutral tones.

Image 2
I chose this second image because I like the profile shot of the model as it shows off the clothes in a different way as it would be if it was head on. I like how the tree is central in the shot as this gives alot of height to the photograph and the trees captured in the back gives the image depth, which is what I wanted to achieve.

Image 3
This image is really relaxed and quite natural in the models pose which reflects the location and mood of the shot. I particularly like the texture shown on the clothes the model is wearing. This was captured due to the lighting. I also like the angle of the shot as it isnt at eye level so this creates a different camera pospective.

Image 4
Again, I chose this image due to the natural elements and the fact that the image works well together as a whole. The textures of the models clothes reflects on that of the leaves on the ground and I like it that the bench is worn as this gives the image more edge. I deliberately chose not to have the bench absolutely central and at a slant to add to the whole rustic/edgy feel as I didn't want it to seem too 'set'.

Image 5
For this shot (as detailed previously) I took alot of inspiration from a professional photographer I had researched. I chose this one because although you can see where the inspiration has come from I still made the image my own and put my own stamp on it and did my own version. I like the relaxed approach, I like the fact that all I used was flash and I think the positioning worked really well. Also, it is clear to see what product is being sold in the image due to how simple the composition is.

Image 6
This is a very similar composition to the previous image chosen, however, the shot is slightly wider. I chose this because I like the position of the model, I like the hand positioning and I like that the models chin falls central to the image to give the shot balance and you can still see the fashion being 'sold'. I also think the lighting/flash used was successful and this helps to highlight the model and the texture of the models hair and the fence in the background.

Image 7
This image was chosen due to the positioning of the model, the lighting and the mystery. I like the way the model has positioned herself which falls central in the shot and because she is looking away into the distance it adds mystery. Again, the texture of the models hair and necklace really shows and I like the reflection of the flash in the sunglasses as this gets your attention.

Image 8
I like the fact that this shot is more playful and focuses more on the jewellery. Again, the textures of the fashion in this shot and of the models hair stands out which is what this theme was all about. I like the composition and positioning of the model, it all works well together.

Image 9
I like the wider shot here and the flash has worked well to highlight the model which makes her the main focal point. The flash reflects off the models beaded necklace really well making these also stand out. I like the contrast between the dark sky and the light reflecting from the model.

Image 10
Because the background is very dark, due to it being taken at night outdoors, it makes the composition very simple as the model is the main focal point. I like the angle of the shot and the positioning of the model and the shadowing created behind the models hand. You can clearly see what the model is 'modelling'.

1 comment:

  1. Love image 5 & 6 - you've achieved a good composition, and the models expression, coupled with the sunglasses give them a sharp 'attitude'.
