Monday 10 October 2011

Description and examples of ISO in photography

The ISO tells you how sensitive the camera is to light.
With ISO it allows you to achieve good exposure if there is not enough light and you can create a grainy or 'noisy' look even when there is plenty of light.


Above is an example of where ISO is set at a lower setting of 100.
A low ISO setting is not very sensitive to light and you have to adjust the shutter speed and aperture to compliment it so that more light is let in to the camera's image sensor. This image is less grainy and you can see this clearer on the zoomed in image below.

High ISO

Above is an example of where ISO has been set at a higher number of 1600.
A higher setting of ISO means it will be more sensitive to light and again you would need to adjust the shutter speed and aperture accordingly to reduce the amount of light getting to the camera's sensor. In the below image you can noticeably see the photo is alot grainier than the one at a lower setting and the lines are less smooth.

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